Catherine VanDyne has been the appointed Borough Treasurer since September 2022.
The Treasurer has the responsibility of insuring that all money coming into the Borough treasury and all expenditures from it are properly recorded. She prepares a list of monthly revenues and expenditures for approval at the monthly meeting by Council. The Treasurer annually submits all records and accounts to the Borough Auditors. The Treasurer assists the Borough Manager in preparing and operating within the annual Budget.
The Treasurer is the payroll administrator for the Borough. With the Borough Manager, she also assists employees with questions about their benefits.
Catherine can be reached at extension 213, or email
In 2023 A Strategic Management Planning Program (STMPP) was prepared on behalf of the Borough of Catasauqua
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Department of Community and Economic Development; Governor’s Center for Local Government Services. The final report can be viewed here.