Emergency Management
The Catasauqua Emergency Management Agency is tasked with preparing and coordinating emergency plans and logistics for hazards which may affect the citizens of the Borough of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.
Hazards are everywhere. They exist where you live, work, and attend school. Hazards can be natural such as fires, floods, and severe weather to man-made hazards such as hazardous material incidents, cyber-attacks, and terrorism. These hazards can erupt into disasters with little or no warning. Knowledge, information, and preparedness are your best defense in keeping you safe and minimizing property damage.
Emergency preparedness and prevention begins with you!
The Catasauqua Emergency Management Agency is pleased to bring you these webpages to provide you with up-to-date information regarding current Borough of Catasauqua Emergencies and timely information to assist you and your family in preparing for an emergency or disaster.
Bookmark this site for quick reference in an emergency and visit often. Please feel free to contact us should you require any additional information, need a speaker or need assistance with emergency planning.