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Ready Catasauqua Resources

Catasauqua Emergency Management

The Borough of Catasauqua wants you to be prepared for any emergency. The Ready Catasauqua Public Outreach Program reminds you that the time to start planning for an emergency is not in the middle of one. In an emergency you’re either ready or you’re not. Be ready. Make a plan. Get a kit and get involved.

Planning now and knowing what to do will make it easier for you and your family if an emergency occurs.

Think about how an emergency might affect you. Think about what resources and supplies you might need. Think about different kinds of emergencies – a house fire, snow storm, power outage, hurricane, or terrorist attack. Work out a plan that fits your needs and is easily put into action.

Click on the links below to learn what you can do to prepare for various situations. 

Catasauqua Emergency Non Emergency