Police Department History
Catasauqua Police Department History
1880 to 1940

The first High Constable of whom we have found record was Charles Sigley, who was appointed March 18, 1853. An ordinance prescribing certain rules for the government of the department was passed in 1870. Bartley Clark was then High Constable and William Koons his assistant.
Charles E. Sheckler was appointed June 7, 1875 and has served as public guardian ever since, save a brief intermission of four years, 1908-1912, when J. Henry Leickel was Chief of Police.
Chief Sheckler is a familiar figure on our streets which he guards zealously against vagrants and the scions of evil and harm. Our Lockup is not an institution which inspires much of aesthetics but it serves our Borough well as a terror to evil doers. It is a dark background to the sublime picture of humane being out of which the penitent errorist may the better behold the beauty of a righteous life and solemnly resolved to walk in the rays of its happy day, when freedom’s air is breathed again. It is interesting to note the names of men who wore brass buttons and swung the Billy to the measured time of their gait.
John Hinely
Charles Sigley
John Wint
Peter Loux
Henry Sellers
Mr. McKeifer
Joseph Lazarus
Bartley Clark
W. A. HilbertJoseph Schwab
E F Huffort
Osbin Laub
William Bloss
Hopkin Hopkins
William Moat
Edward Bickel
Jospeh Mertz
Andrew SmithEdward Allender
George Shellard
Chester Mertz
Jerry Schoenenberger
William Mason
Elias Bush
Andrew Smith
Howard Benvenuti
Alvin Roth
From — A History of Catasauqua in Lehigh County PA by James F Lambert and Henry J Reinhard. 1914
1941 to 1970

1971 to present