Storm Water Management
Stormwater is an important resource. It provides groundwater recharge for water supplies and base flow of streams, which also protects and maintains surface water quality. Yet, stormwater has the potential to be harmful, not just from flooding which can occur after extremely heavy rainfalls, but also if it id not properly managed.
A comprehensive program of stormwater management, including reasonable regulation of development and activities causing accelerated erosion and loss of natural infiltration, is fundamental to the public health, safety and welfare and the protection of the people of the Borough and all of the people of the Commonwealth, their resources and the environment. Without it we see increased flooding, damage to property and pollution of our water supply.
Catasauqua has adopted and enforces a comprehensive stormwater management Ordinance. It can be found by clicking here. Some elements of our program include providing informational materials to our residents, informing developers and builders of their requirements, inspecting the discharge points from our system to the creek and river. The most frequently performed is the regular inspection and cleaning of the stormwater inlets around the Borough. Keeping them clean and open allows the rain/storm water to be captured and moved through the underground piping system, minimizing the amount of surface flow and inconvenience to all.
Public education on the control of pollution from stormwater is an essential component in successfully addressing stormwater. The resources below include several samples of flyers and brochures Catasauqua and other have distributed in the past. Also included are links to other agency websites for more information on stormwater management.
Other agency stormwater links include:
Lehigh Valley Planning Commission at
Pa DEP at